Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Director Stuart Grant Departing Capital E

Experience Wellington has announced that Stuart Grant will leave his role as Director of Capital E at the end of July 2016.

Stuart’s legacy is his  passionate advocacy for the creative voice of children at Capital E and Experience Wellington.  He started in 1999 in Capital E’s OnTV Studio, then as Creative Technology Manager, and was appointed Director in 2002. He has made a significant contribution to the successful development of Capital E over these years establishing the popular MediaLab and the biennial Capital E National Arts Festival.

“Stuart has led Capital E through many challenges, building its reputation nationally and internationally as a unique provider of digital technology and live performance experiences for, with and by children and young people.” said Pat Stuart, Chief Executive of Experience Wellington.

“He is passionate about Wellington as a city of creative excellence, and is committed to fostering creativity as a vital life skill enabling young people to confidently engage with a rapidly changing future and to contribute in shaping New Zealand’s place in the world. He will be missed and we wish him well in his future endeavours.”

Experience Wellington will shortly begin the process of recruiting his replacement.


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