Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Tautoko Mai




Purchases new art supplies for our workshops.


Funds local artists and performers.


Helps us create new educational resources for schools.


Helps us develop new digital learning spaces.

Help create a fun, safe and creative space for tamariki and whānau to connect.

Your gift today will help to remove barriers facing tamariki, fuel imagination and create lifelong learners.

Set and forget a regular donation

Supporting us needs to be easy for you. Set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly charitable donation to inspire our creative tamariki, 365 days a year.

Get your team involved

We love to create mutually-beneficial partnerships with organisations who are equally passionate about education, creativity, and inspiring our kids.

We’re moving to Te Matapihi

Join our all-of-Pōneke, community-led response to raise $650,000 for our spaces within Te Matapihi, so that our akōnga have access to the best equipment for their digital education.
Learn more about our move to Te Matapihi.
Nōku te Ao Capital E is a charity, operated by Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington (Wellington Museums Trust). Learn more.