Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Ngā Kaupapa o te Wā

What's On

Our biggest day of the year, Children’s Day is our free event for whānau including stage performances, face-painting, and interactive activities.
Step into a world full of illusion and surprise in our interactive play space.
Returning Monday 10 February! Wriggle, stretch, zip, zag and dance with Monica.
Returning Tuesday 11 February! A weekly drop-in programme for you to spend quality time with your baby through rhymes, finger-plays and stories.
Returning Wednesday 12 February! Get creative making sensory crafts on Wednesday mornings with Aunty Cara.
Returning Thursday 13 February! Join Professor Inventus in PlayHQ and learn scientific wonders of the world!