Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Science Jam

Science Jam returns for Term 1! Join us for this 11 week programme starting Thursday 13 February.

Professor Inventus brings science, laughter and chaos to PlayHQ on Thursdays. Tamariki learn curious concepts about science, nature and the changing seasons.

Science Jam is part of our E Tipu E Rea term-time programme for under 5s.  

No bookings required, donations appreciated.

  • Age:3-5 
  • Time:30 minutes. Thursdays 11.00am-11.30am 
  • Location:Nōku te Ao Capital E, 4 Queens Wharf 
  • Extras:Pram parking and accessible bathrooms available 

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