Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Whakapā Mai

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you​

If you have any questions about our tamariki and rangatahi offerings, call 04 913 3740 or fill in the form and one of the team will be in touch.

Education Bookings

For questions about our education programmes, contact our Education Bookings Team on 04 913 3742 or email education@experiencewellington.org.nz
To book into an education programme, complete the enquiry form below.

Media Queries

If you have a media enquiry about Nōku te Ao Capital E please contact our Kaiārahi Whakapā Communications Manager Ravi de Silva.

Donations and Partnerships

If you’re interested in making a donation or partnering with Nōku te Ao Capital E, contact Bryna O’Brien our Kaiārahi Kohi Pūtea Fundraising Manager using the button below.

Find us

We are located in central Wellington at 4 Queens Wharf, Wellington, New Zealand.

Koha ki a matou
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Ignite the creative spirit of our tamariki.