Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Topsy Turvy is a treat for your senses

Topsy Turvy, PlayHQ’s latest play activation for under 5s, has been delighting tamariki and caregivers since it opened in June this year.

The space is designed to encourage tamariki to use different senses to explore the world around them:

  • Eyes: Explore the spinner wall, a mural wall with surprises hidden within, warped mirrors and light up tables. 
  • Ears: Listen to auditory illusions such as a surround sound bath, and discover unexpected noises when familiar images come alive with sounds when you touch them. 
  • Move your body: by climbing up or crawling under the central platform which looks out over PlayHQ. Slither down the slide, flop on the padded mat and try your best to balance along the wonky walk. 

Featuring strong contrasting colours and a special black and white area for pēpi, the space was designed using research-led insights on vision development in young children.

The return of the yellow slide has been particularly popular, along with costumes designed specifically for the space by Anne de Geus which feature bright colours and patterns in interesting shapes.


A boy on the yellow slide in PlayHQThe return of the yellow slide has been very popular at Topsy Turvy.

PlayHQ is our public indoor play space located at 4 Queens Wharf. No bookings are required, donations are appreciated.

Learn more about Topsy Turvy.

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