Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

National Creative Residency 2022

    Photograph by Stephen A’Court

The National Theatre for Children hosted its first National Creative Residency for Aotearoa-based Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) aspiring makers.

The 15 selected participants came brimming with ideas and energy and produced exciting work in response to the wonderful creative provocations of guest mentors Kate Parker and Benjamin Henson.


Photograph by Stephen A’Court

The programme focused on mentorship, developing innovative and creative theatre for young audiences, building new collaborations, projects and working relationships and putting tamariki at the forefront of the creative process.

Highlights included an online tour of master Indonesian puppet-makers Papermoon Puppet Theatre’s bustling headquarters, a host of cardboard worlds made in minutes, torchlit vignettes, and dramatic storytelling.


Photograph by Stephen A’Court

The programme took place at Silverstream Retreat, Upper Hutt from the evening of Thursday 22 September to Sunday 25 September 2022.

The National Theatre for Children are excited to watch the drafted ideas grow further.

A big thank you to all the guests, including Sue Giles, Tony de Goldi, Maria Tri Sulistyani of Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Kate Parker, Benjamin Henson, Lawrence Wharerau

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