Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

The Benefits of Displaying Your Child’s Art



Why is it important to display children’s artwork? Here are some benefits of putting your little one’s creative expression on the wall:  

  1. Encourages creativity

Displaying a child’s masterpiece motivates them to create, develop and experiment with art. Studies show early exposure to creative experiences encourages communication, emotional intelligence and critical thinking. Foster a love of art in your home and art will love your child back.

  1. Shows your support

Treating your child’s art like taonga shows you are proud of them. Boost self-esteem and give them their own sense of pride by supporting their artistic endeavours.   

  1. Creates a sense of self

Frame that finger-painting and your child will see their mahi in a new light. This small act shows their creativity is beautiful and worth displaying at home. They can proudly point out their art to visitors, “I made this!”  

  1. Makes Memories

Start your art collection early and you will have a gallery of memories to look back on. Why not decorate your Christmas tree with home-made trinkets and turn it into a festive display? 

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