Why is it important to display children’s artwork? Here are some benefits of putting your little one’s creative expression on the wall:
- Encourages creativity
Displaying a child’s masterpiece motivates them to create, develop and experiment with art. Studies show early exposure to creative experiences encourages communication, emotional intelligence and critical thinking. Foster a love of art in your home and art will love your child back.
- Shows your support
Treating your child’s art like taonga shows you are proud of them. Boost self-esteem and give them their own sense of pride by supporting their artistic endeavours.
- Creates a sense of self
Frame that finger-painting and your child will see their mahi in a new light. This small act shows their creativity is beautiful and worth displaying at home. They can proudly point out their art to visitors, “I made this!”
- Makes Memories
Start your art collection early and you will have a gallery of memories to look back on. Why not decorate your Christmas tree with home-made trinkets and turn it into a festive display?