Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Week One of Animation Workshops with Te Papa

The impressive Te Papa has brought an equally impressive exhibition to our national museum. DreamWorks Animation: The Exhibition has opened and the museum has programmed a series of exciting events for animators of all ages.

Our MediaLab teamed up with Te Papa to inspire our future animation designers in a series of full day workshops for two weeks ranging from 2-D Character Animation, to 3-D Movie Making, Puppetry and Animation, Movie Soundtracks and Stop Motion Animation.

Starting off at Te Papa, 10 budding artists got to explore the full exhibition and check out the animation station.

Participant Sebastian says, “The Animation Station is awesome, and was one of the best parts of the exhibition.”

Heading over to Capital E on Queens Wharf, this specific group were taught 3-D Moving Making by Capital E’s digital tutors Samuel Phillips and Kit Benham.

The group were working to create their own animated world, populating it with trees, buildings and more.

Sebastian created his own island with an impressive view from the watchtower he created.

“My favourite part is placing the buildings and stuff in the world. I’m probably going to keep working on it at home.”

The worlds created by week one’s participants have been impressive. Bring on week two!


Open daily, 10am till 6pm until 28 March 2016

For more information and to purchase tickets online, visit tepapastore.co.nz

All animation workshops with Capital E have sold out.


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