Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

What To Do In Wellington Website Thinks We’re Great!

We recently received this amazing review from a new website you should totally check out. Read what What To Do In Wellington has to say about us!

“Have you heard about the new and exciting creative child centre in Wellington that’s geared up to get the most out of your child, creatively speaking? Probably not, but here you are on holiday looking for some fun activities for your kids and you stumble upon Capital E. Let’s face it, the things which turn a holiday into an awesome holiday are those experiences which, as a family, you talk about for years to come. Capital E might just be one of those places which has the ability to conjure up extra-special holiday memories.

Capital E is all about igniting the creative spark in young people and providing an environment of discovery and fun through digital workshops, live performance and large scale family events. There will be plenty of learning too but not perhaps as we know it. Forget the boring and the repetitive – here the fun factor is non-stop so your kids are going to totally overlook the educational element.

This award-winning and rather unique set-up, located at 4 Queens Wharf next to the TSB arena, also happens to be a not-for-profit group managed by the Wellington Museums Trust whose responsibilities include a range of arts, cultural and heritage attractions. That means emphasis is on the experience rather than simply generating dollars. Much of what you will find here is free, the rest asks for small and completely affordable contributions.

Wellington’s Capital E provides creative space programmes and opportunities for school groups but is also open to the general public during school holidays and weekends throughout the year. On the inspirational menu are a free indoor playground and space, school holiday programmes in their TV Studio and MediaLab, family events and the National Arts Festival. Capital E is also home to the National Theatre for Children.

The team is made up of an amazing diversity of staff with a perfect cornucopia of skills and experience between them which include the fields of technology, performance, education and management.

The totally free indoor drop-in space for children is open Monday to Saturday from 9.30am-3.30pm. Pre-schoolers are going to particularly love it here with a whole range of elements to keep them exploring, experimenting and smiling. Climbing frames, interactive components, trikes, games and a whole lot more, along with a bean-bag scattered cosy corner with books, are all here. This space, known as E Central, takes on a whole new buzz during school holiday and special event times when the arrival of workshops and activities provide the chance for some entire family fun; from contemporary dance to drama and from crafts to fairytale improvisation.

Both the computer-focused state-of-the-art MediaLab and purpose-built TV Studio host activities during the school holidays too. The MediaLab provides the creative space for App Design, 3D Movie Making, Music Making, 2D Animation, Game Design and a whole range of otherwise exciting opportunities which may just give your child the impression that ‘holiday’ is just another word for heaven.

There may well be children without an interest in creating their very own television broadcast but if so they are a rare breed. Doing just that is possible right here at Capital E in the TV Studio which offers children and young people the chance to find out – with full-immersion hands-on experiences – how television production works.

One of the ingredients which makes Capital E so exciting and unique is because this is a space for everyone. It is a place of empowerment; the children who come here may have previously shown some creative talent or, quite the opposite, expressed no interest whatsoever in such things. However this space is designed and equipped for exploration and enhancement; here children are shown what is possible, presented with the means of turning their ideas into reality and ultimately enabled to unlock all kinds of creative doorways.

Planning an itinerary which keeps the kids fully entertained and happy on holiday can typically involve copious amounts of energy and precision perfect planning. Save yourself some of the potential headache and check out Capital E’s calendar before you schedule anything else into your Wellington holiday time. There’s no doubt about it – your kids will love you forever for it.”

-Sourced from What To Do In Wellington website

 The Wellingtonian

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