Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Digital Studios Pre-Visit Information

This page contains important information you should know before booking into a programme in our MediaLab or OnTV Studio.

Pricing and payment

  • Session prices are $7.50 per student per session for Wellington Regional schools and $10.00 per student per session for schools outside the Wellington Region.
  • Accompanying adults attend free of charge.
  • Pı̄ataata Whetū x Puanga ki Matariki sessions are $16 per student including entry to both Space Place and Nōku te Ao Capital E and a one-way trip on the Wellington Cable Car. One free adult for every eight students. Additional adults $9.50.
  • We have a minimum session charge of $150.00 for all sessions, with the exception of Ngā Kaihanga Kiriata Hou | Film production at your place and Pīataata Whetū | Puanga ki Matariki.
  • Please note that payment cannot be accepted on the day. An invoice will be emailed to your school after your visit.
  • The maximum number of students per session is 32. The minimum number of students for OnTV is 15. There are a few programmes with different maximum student numbers please refer to the relevant programme page or contact our bookings team for details.
  • There is no minimum number for MediaLab. For smaller groups attending OnTV, role allocation must be done in conjunction with the OnTV Coordinator.
  • A full list of Nōku te Ao Capital E’s Terms and Conditions can be found on our website here
Note: The Ministry of Education funding subsidises our prices for education groups. Prices and programmes available vary for non-school groups. If you are a Community or Holiday Provider group and you wish to make a booking, please email education@experiencewellington.org.nz with your enquiry. 

Curriculum links

All education session, in OnTV and MediaLab fulfil the following key competencies:
  • Thinking
  • Managing Self
  • Using Language, Symbols and Text
  • Participating and Contributing 
All OnTV sessions support the following curriculum links
Making Meaning from Multimedia Digital Production
Listening, Reading, Viewing
Creating Meaning from Multimedia Digital Production
Speaking, Writing, Presenting 
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes 
The Arts
Developing Ideas
Developing Practical Knowledge
Communicating and Interpreting
Understanding in Context  
3D Game Design and I-Tākaro āhua Advanced Game Design support the following curriculum links 
Digital Technology, Level 1-8 Achievement Objectives 
Level 2, 3 & 4
Developing and Designing Digital Outcomes 
Literacy, Level 1-8 Achievement Objectives 
Level 2
Purposes & Audiences
Visual Arts, Level 1-8 Achievement Objectives 
Level 2 and 3
Developing Practical Knowledge 
MediaLab: Music-Making links to music composition and editing, and supports the following curriculum links:  
Digital Technology, Level 1-8 Achievement Objectives 
Level 2, 3 and 4
Developing and Designing Digital Outcomes 
The Arts, Music- Sound Arts Level 1-8 
Level 2, 3 and 4
Developing Ideas
Communicating and Interpreting 
English, Level 1-8 Achievement Objectives 
Level 2, 3 and 4
Purposes & Audiences

Youtube Retention Policy

OnTV school shows with permission to be uploaded to the internet will be retained on the YouTube/CapitalENZ channel for the duration of the current year and the following year.
All recorded OnTV shows, and work created in MediaLab will be archived at Nōku te Ao Capital E for a period of five years.

What to expect from the space

Onsite storage bins are available for ākonga belongings. Storage space is limited, please contact the bookings team if your group is traveling with excessive luggage.
Where you can eat and drink
  • Food and drink cannot be consumed in the main OnTV studio or MediaLab, if you think your students will not be able to go without food or drink for the duration of your visit, we encourage you to have a small snack before you arrive.
  • If you are well organised and running on time, there may be time for a snack break during your OnTV session. Your Learning Specialist will let you know if this is possible.
  • If you plan to have your lunch break before or after a session we recommend you use the space under the sails on Queens Wharf, or nearby in Frank Kitts Park.
Social media
All social media sites are blocked on the MediaLab computers.

What is expected of teachers and accompanying adults

Fulfil adult to child ratios
The booking teacher/school representative agrees to bring enough adults to fulfil their own school’s adult to child ratio policy and safely supervise their students during the visit according to our Safety Management Plan requirement, with at least one registered teacher accompanying each group. We suggest a ratio of 1 adult for every 8 students.
Supervise students and participate
Teachers and parents should remain with the group throughout the entire visit to ensure students are supervised. Each group is assigned only one Learning Specialist, so accompanying adults should be aware that they may need to play an active role in the visit, this will make for a richer, more fulfilling experience for all.
Let us know if you are running late
Late arrival will result in a reduced programme. We advise all groups to arrive and wait under the sails outside of Nōku te Ao Capital E with one representative to check into PlayHQ reception at least five minutes before their start time. Please allow time to find parking or walk from your bus drop-off. If you are running late, please contact Nōku te Ao Capital E on 04 913 3740.
Serious or unsafe behaviour
On rare occasions of serious or unsafe behaviour, a teacher or guardian may be asked to take them outside the teaching area until they are ready to return.

What is expected of students

Follow instructions
Our Digital Learning Specialists are experienced professionals, following their instructions and guidelines will make for an enjoyable learning experience for the whole class.
Treat technical equipment with care
We ask that all students treat the technical equipment and furniture with care, e.g. shoes must be kept off the furniture and no bouncing on the chairs.
Make the most of your learning and respect others
  • Each student is responsible for their own learning experience.
  • There may be the opportunity for students to share their work with the class. Students are expected to respect other ideas and creative thinking.
  • In MediaLab, students work independently (or in pairs). 

Safety information

Please make yourself familiar with our:
Follow Covid-19 Guidelines.
  • Adults and students are welcome to wear a mask during their visit, but this is not required.
  • Hand sanitiser can be provided if required.
  • Please do not visit if unwell.
  • Nōku te Ao Capital E is open to the public during education visits.

Resources and website links

3D Game Design and I-Tākaro Āhua Ahurua Advanced Game Design
Use Atmosphir for Windows
Once you have downloaded Atmosphir, run the ‘Atmosphir Launcher’ and it will download the game to your machine. Once it’s running, here are the steps to get your level to where it needs to be.
Go to C:/ProgramData/Atmosphir/game/Atmosphir_Data/drafts
Put your game file into this folder
When you are in Design Mode in Atmosphir, choose ‘Open’. You should see your level there.
(Note: C:/ProgramData is a hidden directory. You’ll need to show hidden files to see it).
Music Making

Contact the Education Bookings Team

For questions about our education programmes, contact our Education Bookings Coordinators on 04 913 3742 or email education@experiencewellington.org.nz.

If you would like to book into an education programme, complete the enquiry form below.