Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Young and Cinematic

The Roxy5 Short Film Competition, presented by Capital E and Miramar Events Trust, is an annual short film competition for Greater Wellington region school students. In this competition of creative expression, students are challenged to make their own short film incorporating three essential elements unique to each year. 

We’ve collected the best of the best Roxy5 entries from years gone by.  For the first time, Young & Cinematic will exclusively showcase an entire programme of short films produced by children and young people, for the big screen.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be enchanted by the tales of mad sock puppets, unrequited love and loss, fate and friendship.

The amazing work of Nōku te Ao Capital E is powered by the support of many people like you.

Please consider supporting us today.