Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Easy Unity Game Tutorial (Whack-A-Mole)

New to Unity and coding? Try making this easy game and learn a lot along the way!

Why use Unity? Unity is one of the best apps for game development. When it comes to Unity, they’ve made the process for cross-platform development quite simple and easy to use, being highly flexible and highly extensible to create any game genre you want.

The personal version is completely free, giving you instant access to starter resources to help you learn Unity quickly. Compared to other platforms, the Unity assets store is a great place to get free packages to start with that are easy to download and import.

If you’re stuck on what to do, YouTube has a wide range of great beginner tutorials that are easy to follow. You can also make use of the tutorials and courses that Unity offers on its website to help develop your skills further.

Take a read of the starter manual to help you learn Unity Editor and explain the basics of the Unity interface and menu items.

Suitable for ages 8+


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