Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Behind the Scenes at Kahurangi School

Students throughout Wellington have been saying “lights, camera, action” to short film production for the Roxy5 film competition.

Now in its second year, the competition was launched by The Roxy Cinema to inspire college-aged film-makers to explore the film industry.

This year, the competition has partnered with Capital E and opened entries to primary schools as well.

Budding film-makers at Kahurangi School in Strathmore have their sights set on working for “Wellywood’s” ultimate boss – Peter Jackson.

The year 7 and 8 pupils spent weeks coming up with their film’s concept, which is based around two brothers.

The brothers fight and later one of them dies. Year 7 pupil Christina Foliga said they wanted their film to have a moral.

“I want people to see our film and want to spend more time with their family members,” she said.

The top five place-getters will remake their films with the help of Capital E, industry professionals and Park Road Post Production.

The three winning films will also be screened at the Capital E National Arts Festival next March.

But for 10-year-old scriptwriter Leitu Tuiama, winning is not the most important part of the process.

“It’s just been a good experience. If we lose or win it doesn’t matter,” she said.

Niamh King, the teacher in charge of the budding film-makers, said it was an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the industry on the school’s doorstep.

“A lot of people in our community are involved in the film industry and we thought this was a way to bring our community together and use our resources,” she said.

The pupils have been giving up their lunchtimes and spare time to work on the project.

“I’m super proud of them and the ownership they’re taking with the project.”

The deadline for film submissions is May 6, with an award ceremony and red carpet premiere taking place at The Roxy Cinema on May 18.

–Originally sourced from The Wellingtonian.


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