Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Happy Chinese New Year from Capital E!

It’s your last chance to come celebrate Chinese New Year at Capital E. Until this Saturday, the Year of the Monkey has taken over the Capital E’s play space with fun activities, interactive zones and challenging workshops for children aged 3-5.

Capital E Events Coordinator, Karen Carey says, “Chinese New Year celebrations are an important cultural event in Wellington’s event calendar. Capital E has planned a range of creative activities and workshops for young people to get to know Chinese culture better. We’re excited to be working with the talented Stan Chan from inkLink and Ni Hao Children’s Community to bring these unique workshops for young people in Wellington.”

Free daily workshops not to miss:

Thursday 18 February, 10am-11am

Join Ni Hao Children’s Community for a fun and interactive session using  music, rhymes, songs, games and movement to introduce the Mandarin language.  Finish off this fun session by learning how to make beautiful red Chinese lanterns.

Friday 19 February, 10.30am-11am

PlayShop’s Showtime. Get involved in free improvised fairy tales inspired by Chinese New Year celebrations!

Saturday 20 February, 10.30am-12pm

Learn the amazing art of Chinese calligraphy with Stan from inkLink. inkLink is a wonderful, hands-on opportunity to experience Chinese culture and to learn about art and painting.

The amazing work of Nōku te Ao Capital E is powered by the support of many people like you.

Please consider supporting us today.