Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children’s Day: Saturday 1 March. Learn more.

Farewell to Carl Rayner & Charlotte Jackson

Picture Above: Capital E Class of 2015
Back row (from left): Morag Zaric, Fiona Tucker, Peter Graham
Middle row (from left): Marianne Taylor, Charlotte Jackson, Victoria Dadd, Margaret Cranney, Melissa Conway
Front row (from left): Kit Benham, Carl Rayner, Sonia Hardie, Pippa Drakeford
Absent: Stuart Grant, Amanda Hereaka, Sarah Tuck, Cara Warentini, Samuel Phillipa, Karen Carey

Farewell to Carl Rayner & Charlotte Jackson

Capital E has been very fortunate to have had amazing staff that keeps Capital E the amazing place it is. Last Friday, we sent our fond farewells to the brilliant Carl Rayner, MediaLab Coordinator and Charlotte Jackson (Company Manager for the National Theatre for Children).

Charlotte has been with Capital E for over 7 years as a core member of our Theatre team, touring productions over Aotearoa. Carl developed MediaLab (previously SoundHouse New Zealand) for over 14 years. MediaLab has become such a success through Carl’s hard work and creative vision to inspire the future game developers and music makers to name a few.

Carl’s highlights over his 14 years at Capital E include:

  1. Setting up SoundHouse New Zealand (now MediaLab).

“I was contacted by the Wellington Museums Trust after the director at the time and Stuart Grant visited Soundhouses in Australia and thought that it would be a great concept, (originally just being experiences with technology and music)  to introduce to New Zealand.”

  1. Hosting the International SoundHouse conference and showing off all the cool stuff we were doing, and our great little space in 2003.
  2. Working with some amazing musical talent, who have gone on to bigger and better things in the careers and lives.

“I continued working with Kimbra, who I started working with when I was teaching in Hamilton. She performed and as part of the SoundHouse opening, and at one of our National Childrens Festival. We also shot a music video and did some recording when she was down in Wellington. Without doubt, the hugest amount of time was spent working with Greer Samuel on her own self-titled album, shooting music videos, touring the country, doing lots of TV etc. Greer was supported by some amazing dancers and choreographers including Shakira Chave, Rebecca Hewitt and Joanna Lees. If I had to name my top 3 moments at Capital E, this would be right up there as either 1 or 2. Through the Scholarship programme there were many, many other amazing performers including Dylan Elise, Meghan Glue, Angelique McDonald, Courtney Durham, Toni Gibson, Drew Neemia – and I’m starting to forget a lot more amazing people, so I’ll stop!”

  1. Seeing and hearing the amazement from students who have seen something here for the first time.

“Seeing their reactions which include ‘Cool’, ‘Amazing’ ‘The Best thing they’ve ever done.’ Seeing those students get a huge buzz from what we offer.”

  1. Being a part of a really unique and precious place to Wellington and indeed New Zealand.

“This is supported on a day to day basis by some really passionate, talented and amazing staff.”

Carl leaves onto a great new position is an ICT Coach at St Josephs International School in Singapore. The job will be a combination of what I do now (except starting over again, somewhat) and working with teachers and students to help further develop their ICT skills in the classroom and also help in shaping a plan for ICT in the school moving forward.

So will Carl & Charlotte be back?

“Never say never! (There’s definitely a few staff working here now who can attest to that!) As long as I’m continuing to make a difference and inspire students, I’ll be there. Wherever ‘there’ is.”

Charlotte is off to study teaching in Auckland, so we know she’ll be back to watch one of our shows! Charlotte will always be a part of Capital E leaving a legacy of hard work and super organisational skills. We’ll miss her very dearly.

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