
Ngā pahi kore utu | Free buses

We recognise that transport costs can be a big barrier to visiting Nōku Te Ao Capital E. Thanks to the generosity of Nikau Foundation, Hutt Mana Charitable Trust, and Sargood Bequest  we can offer transport and admission grants of up to $700 per school in the Greater Wellington Region (including Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Kapiti Coast and Wairarapa) to attend education programmes at Capital E.

All schools are invited to apply, schools with an EQI of 500 or higher will be prioritised. If cost is a barrier to your school community apply by telling us: 

  • How many classes you want to bring and from where
  • Whether you also plan to visit Space Place, Wellington Museum, or City Gallery 
  • The approximate $ amount you need to do this
  • Why your school needs the grant
  • How the visit will enrich your local curriculum and impact on ākonga learning
  • Your school’s EQI number
  • If your school has visited Nōku te Ao Capital before, if so, when? 
  • Grants are limited until the funding runs out, don’t delay!


Enquiries and applications to education@experiencewellington.org.nz

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